Daily Weather and ET
Daily Weather Data at NWREC, Colby, Kansas, 2024 pdf
Colby Summer ET Data 2024
Garden City ET Data
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2023
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2022
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2021
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2020
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2019
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2018
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2017
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2016
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2015
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2014
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2013
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2012
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2011
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2010
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2009
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2008
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2007
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2006
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2005
Daily Weather Data for each month of 2004
Long term annual and monthly precipitation (1893-2012) MS Excel format
Long term annual and monthly precipitation (1893-2012) Adobe PDF format
Summer ET Data, 2020
Summer ET Data, 2019
Summer ET Data, 2018
Summer ET Data, 2017
Summer ET Data, 2016
Summer ET Data, 2015
Summer ET Data, 2014
Summer ET Data, 2013
Summer ET Data, 2012
Summer ET Data, 2011
Summer ET Data, 2010
Summer ET Data, 2009
Summer ET Data, 2008
Summer ET Data, 2007
Summer ET Data, 2006
Summer ET Data, 2005
Summer ET Data, 2004
Summer ET Data, 2003
Summer ET Data, 2002
Summer ET Data, 2001
Summer ET Data, 2000
Discussion and Graph of 2012 ET and Precipitation, Colby
Discussion and Graph of 2002 ET and Precipitation, Colby
Discussion and Graph of 2001 ET and Precipitation, Colby
Discussion and Graph of 2000 ET and Precipitation, Colby
Historical Daily ETr, AET and Precipitation Data at NWREC, Colby, Kansas, 1972-2019
This file is in Excel and is fairly large (1.6 MB). Right click to download to your computer. Daily data for corn, May 15 - Sept. 11. No additional weather data is included in file.
Modified Penman Reference Evapotranspiration (Alfalfa-based ETr) calculation files
ETr and associated weather data at NWREC, Colby, Kansas, May 1 through September 29 for 1972-1989
This file is in Excel and is fairly large (1.6 MB). Right click to download to your computer.
ETr and associated weather data at NWREC, Colby, Kansas, May 1 through September 29 for 1990-2018
This file is in Excel and is fairly large (2.4 MB). Right click to download to your computer.
ETr, TMax, TMin, Rain and GDDs at NWREC, Colby, Kansas, May 1 through September 29 for 1972-2018 Value Files
This file is in Excel and is fairly large (1.4 MB). Right click to download to your computer.
General Information for Using ET
Explanation of the importance of ET data
Simple irrigation scheduling software Kiscorn
More advanced KANSCHED irrigation scheduling software
Contact drogers@ksu.edu for help with KANSCHED
Alfalfa-based Penman Crop Coefficients for Western Kansas(A discussion in PDF format)
Excel file containing the Crop Coefficients Do not use these crop coefficients with Penman-Monteith or other short grass-based ET equations!!!
Sunflower Kc values for modifying Alfalfa-based ETr values in Excel File Uploaded January 2011
Clear day solar radiation calculator This program can be used to calculate the maximum solar radiation on a given day of the year for a specific latitude. Uploaded May 25, 2009.