Water Management

CIG Mobile Drip Irrigation Report

Maximizing Irrigation Efficiency

Multi-Year Crop Water Allocator

  • Find the best combination of crops, irrigation management and field splits up to 6 years
  • Automatically ranks the best net returns after computing millions of possible combinations
  • Best of all, IT'S FREE! at https://mycwa.engg.ksu.edu



Graphic saying"the road to water management is not always sunny. it is when rain comes that we get the most benefit out of irrigation management."


  • When it rains, stop IRRIGATION!
  • Mitigate water loss by USING irrigation scheduling TOOLS and sound MANAGEMENT!
  • Remember, sometimes maximum yield does not always means maximum profit.

Here are some resources to help you make a difference.

KSRE Resources

Mobile Irrigation Lab


Agricultural Water Conservation Clearinghouse


Water Technology Farms

Learn more about each farm from the perspectives of Kansas Water Office and see the data (beta) as it is being collected by KSRE.



2019 Water Tech Farms


The 2018 Updates and Aquifer Impacts were presented at the Governor's Water Conference and are available here.

Join us on field days and learn from producers, experts, dealers and colleagues about the different technologies. Watch-out for dates to be posted later.

field day


A Must See for Producers and Managers Thinking About Soil Water Sensors

Soil Moisture Sensor Demonstration found on this link is an award winning* collection of videos of the event and the 10 soil sensor dealers/companies that participated. Learn how the sensors are installed and how they are used.

Other Projects:

Soil Moisture Sensors

Soil Moisture Sensors Study


Mobile Drip Irrigation


Ogallala Water CAP

Water Quality Assessment of Ogallala Aquifer

Download Project Summary for details

Online Tools for Water Management

NEW Online! Crop Water Allocator KanSched 3


ET Information

Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering

Irrigation and Water Management Resources

Field Performance of SDI

Livestock waste water - Project Report: KDHE Project - NPS 99-004

SDI in Alfalfa

SDI and Platic Mulch Effects on Yield and Brix Levels of Kabocha, Cucurbita moschata

