Irrigation News
Irrigation Water Management Team Receive Award
Irrigated land, acres, in the United States 1970-2000 by system type
(Excel file and Graphs)
Historical increase in microirrigation in the USA 1970-2000
in Adobe PDF Format
Long term effects of drought on the Central Great Plains
PDF Format, presented at the Central Plains Irrigation Conference, Feb. 4-5, 2003 at Colby, Kansas.
NWREC Irrigation Research Activities that are Responding to the Extreme Drought
Declines in NWREC Observation Well
(Graph in Adobe PDF)
Monthly Depths in NWREC Observation
Well (Excel File)
Water Conservation Research Needs for Kansas
Lamm wins Builder Award
Sprinkler and Microirrigation on a Worldwide Basis
Left click here for a pdf table
Right click here to download an Excel spreadsheet