2024 Field Days

combine at the ARCHAgricultural Research Center-Hays Fall Field Day

Join us in Hays for an in-depth look at the latest research and practices shaping the future of agriculture in Western Kansas. Don't miss out—RSVP here to secure your spot!

Tribune Field DaySouthwest Research Center-Tribune Fall Field Day

Discover innovations in long-term dryland rotation studies, the effects of no-till, reduced till, and occasional dryland tillage and nutrient management at the Southwest Research Center-Tribune Field Day. Learn more about the full event agenda and RSVP here to attend this must-see event!

SWREC Fall Field DaySouthwest Research-Extension Center-Garden City Fall Field Day Plus

Experience hands-on learning and expert insights at the Southwest Research-Extension Center-Garden City Field Day Plus, focused on water management and productivity in challenging environments. Make sure to RSVP here to be part of the conversation!

Get the PDF for SWREC Field Day Plus Agenda and Map.

graphic for the TAPS Agronomy Field Day

TAPS Agronomy Field Day

Join us on September 5, 2024, in Colby, KS for the 2024 TAPS Agronomy Field Day, featuring the latest updates in agronomy, precision technology, food, and networking opportunities for all!

View the TAPS Agronomy Field Day story in the K-State Agronomy eUpdate.